Tuesday, August 21, 2007

pot in the burbs....

So there I am on Saturday morning watering my flowers in my front yard in the suburbs! As I am watering, I get this whiff of marijuna smoke! I am sure that it must be some local brush fire and look around for smoke....but I don't see anything. This happens again and again. I finally put down my hose and look down the street to see two 40 something year old guys sitting on the curb on the side of our house smoking pot and drinking something out of a brown paper bag. WHAT THE?!?!?! This is Saturday morning at 11 am. People are pushing babies in strollers, kids are riding bikes, people are washing cars....and these two morons are smoking pot!

I call the police - non emergency number - and they send someone out. But, of course, the police do not get there before the moron's get up and walk away. But as they walked away they put on smocks. The type of smocks people wear when they are walking door to door to drop of advertising.

The guys later walked down our street and left an advertisement for a local real estate agent....who I promptly called and told about the pot smoking and drinking. And then asked that she send someone out to clean up the trash they left on the side of our house!

Total strange experience!

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