Monday, August 13, 2007

Betty - The Lone Ranger

Poor Betty is lonely without all her chicken friends. And lonely in the chicken world means a little neurotic! She spends most of her time hanging out at the back door waiting for someone to open it so she can make a mad dash inside. And when she is not at the back door she is waiting for someone to open the gate or the garage door so she can make a mad dash out front.

On Saturday at about 7 am, I was upstairs in my room and heard clucking in the front yard. I ran downstairs to find Betty strutting around the front yard. Someone had left the gate open and she wandered out.

She spent a good part of the weekend in the front yard hanging out with us. I was weeding and she would run over and inspect the weed I pulled out. Kids in the neighborhood would come by and pet her. She watched the dogs play and ended up in the middle of them a couple times and had to run so she was not smushed under a pile of labradors!

Last nite she was going crazy pecking the back door when it was just getting dark - she was telling us that her coop was closed up and she could not get in!

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