Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cabin in the Fall

I think my favorite time of year at the cabin is the fall. The reason is that there is no "planned activity" - i.e. no skiing, no boating, no backpacking, no swimming, no fishing, etc. So the fall leaves us time to just "putz" around.

Today we:

* went and looked at a house - it was super creepy!
* went to the archery range and shot some arrows - Jim is amazing! I couldn't even pull the string back!
* drove thru the campground to check it out
* went to the local junk store to get a pair of glasses for Gracie's Halloween costume
* checked out the local farmers market (there was only 3 stalls!)
* went to the creek to pan for gold but got distracted by panning for crawdads
* furminated Daisy Mae

Tomorrow we will head back to the creek to do some more crawdad fishing!

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