Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving in California

I wish I had pics so you could see what we were doing today in California the day after Thanksgiving....We were out in the boat fishing and Gracie was in a bikini! It was a warm sunny day. Not warm enough for a bathing suit for me but Gracie thought it was and kept wanting to jump in to swim.

Of course Daisy Mae did some swimming and came home, curled up and snored! A great dog life.

Speaking of Daisy Mae, I am considering a side business -- renting out my dog to hunters who want a dog to fetch their ducks. In the last month, I have had multiple requests for her to go out with them. The thing is, she would happily fetch ducks if I was there but without me there, she would be a nervous wreck! And there is NO WAY I am going duck hunting. So I guess I need a different side business.

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