Thursday, June 01, 2006

Why we make a great couple....

This morning during my workout, I pondered about why we make a great couple. This thought process started because people often tell us what a mismatch we are because he is a big fisherman/hunter and and I am a vegetarian. So I started thinking about why we make a great couple after almost 16 years of marriage and this is what I came up with:

* I make pineapple upside down cake and he likes to eat it! (add the name of any type of sweet and the statement is still accurate)
* He always supports me in my latest hair-brained pet scheme - although sometimes he has to pretend to put up a fight! This includes Lucky Hairy Legs the tarantula, Newty the California Newt and Lucky Hairy Feathers the baby dove.
* We both hate coconut
* We both find his mother's family tradition "red cabbage" dish disgusting!
* He loves my chickens and even sometimes refers to them as "his" chickens
* He likes a good "brewski" and I don't drink, so he always has a built in designated driver
* His hunting skills come in handy when there are rats and mice around the chicken coop - he goes "hunting" with rat/mice traps!
* He can build/make anything requested including a hen palace, a new home and an outdoor fountain

So when I break it down, we compliment each other perfectly - we each bring different skills to our family unit which, when put together, form the foundation of a really great team.

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