Monday, May 22, 2006

Musings from an early morning runner

One of the biggest problems with being a type AAA person is that you get up at the crack of dawn ready to go! I use that time to do something constructive - I get up between 5 and 5:30 and go running. That sounds impressive on its own, but I have to confess that I don't run far or fast. I run 3 to 4 miles a day. The best part of my run is my time spent with the most perect workout partner in the world - Daisy Mae! She is always willing to go and thrilled to pieces to get to run around the neighborhood.

We love the adventures that we have out that early in the morning. Just yesterday, I turned a corner and ran right by a HUGE smashed snake in the middle of the road! I love to come home and report to Jim and the kids what happened on the days run.

Once day last week, Daisy got chased by the worlds fattest cat....and I am not kidding - the cat is so fat that chased probably is not even the right word! I laughed out loud as Daisy lept through rose bushes trying to get away. When we got home, I had to pick thorns out of her fur.

We run along the foothills so I often see and hear wild life. At one particular corner, we often see 2 bunnies - one white and one brown. They appear to be husband and wife bunnies. I think they were once someone's pets because they are quite tame. Daisy Mae about comes out of her skin when I make her sit and stay and then go talk to the bunnies. I am trying to figure out a way to "rescue" them and bring them to live in my backyard with my chickens. No luck so far, but that might be another blog entry someday....

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