Friday, May 19, 2006

General Update

We are starting to wind down (or maybe it should be called "winding up") for the end of school. There are only about 3 1/2 weeks left. And we leave the day after school ends to go to Kentucky for a week for the US Transplant Games where my dad is playing golf.
While there we will be staying with my Aunt and Uncle who live in Lousiville.

The kids have just about had it with school, especially Gracie who has worked extra hard this year! I have had it too - I am tired of homework, projects, reading, etc. We are all looking forward to the break.

The summer will be busy with tutoring, bible camp, zoo camp, (Gracie) and hockey camp (Drew). They will also both be going to daycare, which is more like a day camp with all their friends that they have been going to daycare with since birth. They will go on field trips on Mondays and Fridays (to places like Great America and the beach), do bike rides on Tuesdays and go to the library on Wednesdays.

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