Sunday, December 31, 2017


We tarped up the boat for the winter.   I think it's cool to see so I took some pics.  The system is so sophisticated and sturdy that you could literally live inside the boat and be quite comfortable!

We had a close call while Jim was working on this by himself.  He was coming down the ladder in the front of the boat and caught his foot on a wire while stepping over the tongue of the trailer.  He landed on his leg that is still healing from the accident and rolled his ankle.  He went down and rolled down the driveway.  He called for help and Grace and I came running out to find him on the ground holding his leg.  I thought we were in for a repeat surgery!  He sat there for awhile and then walked it off.  It is a little sore tonite and he iced it for a good long time but he seems alright.

It's funny that Hops the therapy dog showed up on the scene right away.  But instead of comforting Jim, she came to me for some love!  She had the right idea but was comforting the wrong person!  Silly girl.

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