Saturday, December 30, 2017

Epic Boondoggle

Loading up 3 kayaks
Cherry Lake is the lowest it has been in 37 years because they have drained it to fix a valve in the dam.  Since it likely won't be this low again in our lifetime, we decided we needed to go check it out.  We loaded up 4 of us, two labradors, 3 kayaks and a picnic!

View from the boat ramp

Unfortunately, there is a gate across the top of the boat ramp so we had to haul the kayaks down to the water - which was about 1/2 a mile.  It wans't too bad because it was down hill.  The problem was when we got back after paddling all day and had to haul them a 1/2 mile UP hill.  That was brutal!

Hops had a ball playing and swimming all day!
 We enjoyed exploring - we found a sunken old car, an outboard motor and a couple tackle boxes.

It was Oakley's first kayak trip and she was a natural!

Hauling the kayaks downhill
The weather was amazing for a January day in the Sierras.  We actually had to pull out the sunscreen!

Getting ready to start paddling!

It was an epic boondoggle that was probably one of the hardest we have ever done - and that is saying a lot! The good news is we were all a little bit stiff the next day but not what you would expect with the activity level and effort we had to put forth!  I was just glad we didn't have any one with us - it would have ended that friendship for sure.  But for us - it was all in a days adventure!

The dogs were asleep in the truck before we even had the first kayak loaded

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