Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Bad Boys Bad Boys, what ya gonna do when they come for you???

Actually it should be bad girls, bad girls.....

My mom is threatening to call the animal police on my chickens. Well, not all of them, just one - Maverick. My mom has a love of animals great an small, just like me. So she has always happily checked on the ladies when over watching the kids.

One day recently, she was out checking on the ladies and talking to them when out of nowhere Maverick started attacking her! You see.... Maverick gets a bit bitchy if she does not feel she is getting enough snackies!

So I come home from work and my mom shows me her foot with a chunk missing and informs me that she has called animal control and reported a chicken bite! After I pick myself up of the floor with laughter, I made sure she was not serious.

The chicken bite is sure to be one of those stories that stays with the family and grows with exaggeration over time. I fully expect that in 25 years, we will be telling stories about how Maverick the chicken pecked off Grandma's foot and it had to be surgically reattached!

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