Sunday, June 07, 2015



William came over yesterday afternoon and stayed until 11:30 am the next day.  We took him to Jeremy's graduation party where he played golf and had 3 dinners of Panda Express!  He slept all nite and got up at 6 am.  Grace brought him downstairs to me and we proceeded to play and read books.  Hops was in the middle of it all.

Then he ate a ton of breakfast and we went for a walk....with a bunch of ritz crackers!  When we got back, we played in the back yard.  Jim was watering the new lawn and Will was chasing around the water coming out of the hose.  I went inside to get him a towel and came out to him in the pond...with Hops right next to him....they are double trouble!

Once he was sopping wet we decided to fill up Hops' pool for them both to play in.   It was all good fun!

Will wanted to wear his bib so I kept putting things in the front pocket of it!

Watching Jim water the lawn


Belly laughing at breakfast

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