Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) Grant

Eye specialist!

We have this great Employee Giving Foundation at work that is entirely employee funded and employee managed and we give away over a million dollars a year to non profits.  In this last grant cycle I worked to get a grant for Canine Companions for Independence (CCI).   This is the organization that Licorice, a dog we were in line to get if she failed out of the program, came from.  Luckily she graduated and is working with a woman in central California.  Which also left our home open for Hops who melts our heart every day!

This grant funded examinations of dogs at the end of the program and almost ready to graduate.  Think if it as the last test before going to get the job that you have been working for your whole life!

Of course I was thrilled to help out by getting this grant for them and I was doubly thrilled when they sent me pics of the exams in progress!

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