Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Sick Weiner

Over the weekend, Ahi got really sick.  So sick, we thought she might die.

I had given the dogs a bone on Friday and I think it was too much for her delicate chiweenie system.  So by Friday nite she was getting up every half hour to go outside.  And by the morning she was walking all hunch backed and would fall over. 

Last time she was this sick, she needed a chiweenie enema...so off to the vet we went.  The vet checked her out from head to toe and thought that she was not plugged up but instead had her system in turmoil from diarrhea!   So he gave her some colitis meds and antibiotics and we took her home.

She was pathetic the rest of the day.  She would barely walk and we had to bring her water bowl to her and hold it up to her mouth.

By the next morning, she was feeling a little better and by two days later she was much better.  Last nite when I got home from work, she literally did 10 laps upstairs because she was so excited I was home.

Safe to say, she is back to her sassy self!

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