Friday, July 10, 2009

New Television Show

I have a new tv show that has peaked my interest. And I am not a big tv watcher. It's really sort of sick. But I keep finding myself sucked into it.... It's MTV's new show - "16 and Pregnant". I think it is a fascinating study in teenage behavior and reasoning. And I have wathced it with the kids and used it as a learning moment.

I was especially pleased when Gracie noted on her own that one of the teen dads was useless and not helping at all! Led to a great conversation about how when you are considering who you would like to marry, you need to consider how they will be when you have children. Will they help? Will they feel jealous that you are spending time with a baby? Will they be good providers? It also leads to great discussions about the correct order of life events: high school, college, work, marriage, babies.....

Fingers crossed that they make the right choices when the time comes!

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