Friday, July 10, 2009

Donor Letter

I have always wanted to write a letter to the family that donated my Dad's heart but the timing never felt right. I was always worried about what to say and whether it would open up old wounds for the family. And I didn't want to overstep my Dad and do it if he didn't want it done. So I just sat on the idea - for 12 years. And finally the time felt right and the words came to me.

Here is my letter to our donor family. It went out in the mail today:

July 10, 2009

Dear Donor Family,

It has been 12 years now since you so unselfishly donated the gift of life to my father. I have thought of you often and silently thanked you each time. I have often wanted to write you a letter of thanks but was sensitive to the fact that it might bring you pain. I am hoping that with the passage of time and the positive message that I am sharing; your sorrow might be lightened.

I want you to know how much your gift has meant to our family. My father was 54 years old when he received your family member’s heart. He was very, very ill and would not have survived with out a new heart. At the time he had one grandchild who he was a care provider for, but had became so ill he could no longer care for his grandchild. Today he has 5 grandchildren who he loves to cook for! Without your generosity, those 4 other grandchildren would not know their grandpa or his love of food!

He has been extremely healthy with this new heart and has “given back” by:
• Raising money for the American Heart Association;
• Participating in the Transplant Games (and winning a gold medal) and
• Participating in a heart transplant support group.

The rest of our family is also involved in “giving back” by:
• Raising money for the American Heart Association;
• Giving blood;
• Being signed up as organ donors ourselves and
• Spreading the word about organ donation.

We all “give back” in order to honor your loved one.

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that I still have my Dad in my life and that my children know their grandfather.

Organ donation is a true miracle of life and with your generosity; our life has been immeasurably richer. For this, we thank you.

Recipient’s Daughter

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