Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Random Things

1. I had guinea pigs named Laverne and Shirley when I was in elementary school.

2. The show Scrubs makes me laugh out loud. Sasha the scooter, The Todd, Rowdy the stuffed dog....all brilliant!

3. I owe Tina and Marty more than I can ever repay them for helping raise my kids.

4. I am blessed that I married a handsome, kind hearted, honest man. And that he is the father of my children.

5. I only drink alcohol about once a year. I prefer to eat my calories.

6. I count my mom as one of my best friends.

7. I think girls are more powerful than boys.

8. Pineapple upside down cake rocks!

9. I think I am a dog whisperer.

10. I count Daisy Mae as one of my best friends.

11. Cherry Lake is the best place on earth.

12. I have never gotten a moving violation ticket. (Knock wood)

13. I am proud of Drew for being such a kind kid and not realizing that there are different color people in this world.

14. I am proud of Gracie because she is the most tenacious person I know.

15. Who knew a Chiweenie could bring such happiness.

16. Most of the time, I love to work.

17. Most of the time, I love to work out.

18. I wake up everyday at 5:30 am or earlier.

19. I have owned four cars in my life: an 85 mustang, a 93 Honda Accord, a 99 Chevy Tahoe and a 2007 Chevy Tahoe.

20. Keith Urban is my back up husband.

21. My motto is "you always need a back up plan" - see number 20

22. I have been a vegetarian for almost 30 years!

23. I have been a runner for almost 25 years!

24. I went to college to be an elementary school teacher....what was I thinking!?

25. I believe in karma and bad mojo.

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