Monday, January 28, 2008

Thank goodness for back up plans!

Remember the make-up/gym debacle a couple years ago? For those who were not loyal readers back then, I forgot all my makeup when going to the gym and had to run across the street to Safeway and purchase cheap makeup to get thru the day - I ended up looking like a hooker all day at work!

Because of that situation, I have carried a "back up" makeup bag in my gym bag every since! It has small containers of the bare minimum to prevent me from looking dead at work. I NEEDED it! I left my makeup bag at home. I was so happy to have it with me. But it did not solve all my problems - it had my watch in it so I have no watch today and I forgot my new bottle of mousse - so my hair is totally wild!

I guess it is just MONDAY!!!

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