Saturday, September 22, 2007

Soccer - week three

Two Wins Again!

Drew's team won - 3 to 2! Drew scored one goal and made one great defensive play.

A guy from the other team broke away and was going one on one with our goalie (Our goalie is Jeremy, one of Drew's buddies since they were babies). Drew comes running up from behind the other teams player (from way back), reaches around the front of him with his long legs and kicks the ball away from the guy with only 15 feet more til the goal! It was a great play and one that could have only been played by someone with 6 foot long legs! (OK - I am exaggerating a little)

I missed Gracie's game because I had to take Drew to hockey. But word from the big guy is that they won 4 to zero! Gracie made one goal.

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