Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lucky Dog

Daisy Mae is one lucky dog! She is getting home made dog food these days. Because of the pet food recall, I have started making her food. It is clear that we do not yet know the depth of the contamination in the pet food market. I just heard yesterday that there are now dog biscuits being recalled. And it makes sense - how many wheat gluten suppliers could there be in the pet food market?

So I have been making gourmet food for Daisy for almost 10 days now. The food looks good enough to eat. It often looks like jamablaya or a pasta meal! I use brown rice, pasta, eggs, ground turkey, deer sausage, carrots, peas, cottage cheese and fake meat. And I season it with beef broth. She has gotten to the point that when I take out the rice cooker, she starts drooling!

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