Monday, April 30, 2007

Falling apart - the tale of an old lady

This is a story about the injustice of someone wanting to stay in shape but having nature work against her......I got a cortisone shot in my shoulder on Thursday. It has been really bad - so bad that my neck and shoulder blade were killing me from compensating. I have an impingement injury which basically means the tendons in my shoulder get smushed everytime I move my shoulder. That causes pain and swelling. This is the second bout that I have had with it. The doc, basically said she feels bad for me because I am so young and so active and will have this shoulder issue my whole life. She said there is a surgery they can try but it is not likely to work. I just need to manage it by changing my behavior (ie not doing push ups, lifting weights, kayaking, washing windows, not helping load the kayak onto the top of the truck, using poles while snow shoeing, etc) and treating with pain/anti inflammatory meds. Not exactly what I want to hear. My strategy is to just get it under control again and then go from there. It makes me grumpy!

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