Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bicycle Drama

OMG! You won't believe this one.....

We went on a bike ride last nite because it was such a beautiful evening. We had to drag Grace kicking and screaming because she did not want to go but once she was out there she was happy as a clam. We rode up on the hill for a few miles and then came down to the street to head over to the elementary school. Drew and Jim were ahead of us. I was a little ahead of Gracie riding in the street. She was on a side walk.

All of a sudden.....I hear this god awful crashing sound and a scream!!! I literally jumped off my bike while it was still moving, left it in the middle of the street and starting running back towards her.......READY?????? She ran into a stop sign!!!!!!! She was in a pile in the gutter and her bike was laying on the other side of the stop sign. I thought for sure that we were going to the hospital in an ambulance. It was so loud that people came running out of their houses and stopped their cars and backed up to help!

Jim and Drew heard it too and came riding back. We quickly sized up the situation looking for broken limbs or head/neck injuries and thankfully all she had was a skinned knee, shoulder and elbow. And it was not even skinned enough that she was bleeding. We sat for a few minutes and then she walked it off while we tried to fix her bike. She completely totaled the hand brake for the back tire. It looks like it took the brunt of the impact!

I suspect that she was singing a song and not paying attention to where she was going. Her typical gypsy girl behavior.

It is a miracle that she was not injured! Once again, she amazes us in ways we never would have guessed. Girl power!

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