Saturday, January 20, 2007

Escaped Hermit Crabs

Santa brought Gracie 2 hermit crabs for xmas. I am not sure how he got them on the sled, but they were under the tree on xmas morning!

On Friday afternoon, I was on a conference call and Gracie came into my office and interrupted me saying it was an emergency. I followed her out to the family room to find that the dog knocked the hermit crabs off the front window seat. Their home was on its side and there was sand every where! Gracie took control of the situation by barricading the crabs behind chairs, baskets, shoes, etc. She was making it so that the dog couldn't get the crabs! Since the situation was secure, I went back to my phone call and told her that I would clean it up when I was done.

With the chaos of family life, we forgot...until after dinner Gracie went to check on them and they were gone! You see... barricades made of chairs keep a dog out but don't keep hermit crabs in!!!! We went on a search and found them about 8 feet away in the entry way! Wheew! A close call!

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