Monday, August 14, 2006

My Very First Guest Blogger

A faithful friend and reader of my blog, graciously shared the horror of her dog's brush with a skunk.  It was so bad (and funny, in a way) that it made Daisy's situation look like a walk in the park.  So, I asked and she agreed to be my very first guest blogger.  Her story is below.

But before I get to that, this issue of "guest blogger" is now opened and any one of you who has a story to tell is welcome to become a guest blogger. There is no money, only fame! Just think - you can tell people you were were published on pontoon mama's blog! Almost like being a movie star!

Enough about that, here is Teresa's story:

"We moved here in Dec. In March, we were throwing a house warming party with
50 people including new neighbors, old neighbors, friends and out of town
people flying in from LA. I was going to get the catering platters from Safeway
but my friend volunteered to do all the shopping and make platters (basically
cater for me since she stays home all day).

That Friday morning, I get a call at work from my friend. She had come by the
house to drop off a bunch of stuff for the next day. She says Blaze got a skunk
in the back yard and killed it and got sprayed. I rush home. Well.... we had a dog
door so after she got hit the first time, she came in the house and rubbed all
over the carpets and beds in EVERY room. She continued to go in and out
(because the skunk was actually still alive and wedged in between fence boards
spraying her each time she nosed him.)

So, we hose her off and use Dawn on her and try our best to get her clean (my
shoes ended up in the trash can afterward). We call Animal Control and they
come immediately to kill the skunk and dispose of it. He says "did any of you
touch the dog?" Of course, we had to clean her. "Well, you are all in quarantine
until we call you in 5 days to determine if the skunk was rabid." I had to keep
the dog outside during the party and away from Peter (the husband) and Kristen (the daughter) for the five days. It didn't matter if I touched her again as I
was already contaminated.

The skunk was not rabid and the party went on. We hired a cleaning crew to
clean the entire house and carpets, did loads of laundry, made numerous pots
of strong coffee to get rid of the smell and didn't let anyone go out to the
garage as it stunk for a long time."

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