Tuesday, August 08, 2006

American Heart Walk

Just a reminder to those who are interested, we are walking in the American Heart Walk in September to raise money for the American Heart Association. This is a great organization that fights heart disease and strokes - something that everyone one of us knows someone who has been effected by.

We always walk with my Dad and his heart transplant support group and this year we will walk in honor of my Grandpa who died in July when his heart valve gave out. My grandpa had the valve replaced once 6 years ago. That surgery allowed him 6 more years and many more Pabst Blue Ribbons (for those of you who don't know, that is a nasty midwest beer)!!!

If you have not already made a donation and have it in you budget, I would appreciate it. My goal is to raise $3000 and I have $1000 so far. I appreciate any donation you make!

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