Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Pandemic Puppy Training

Because of the pandemic Astrid is not exposed to the situations she would normally experience.  To help with that, we took her downtown to try some new things.

Lots of learning at the park.  It had the added distraction of kids playing and a big dog watching.  Lots of ups and jumps and different surfaces.  We also walked on a rock wall, experienced the electric car station and watched skateboarders.

Then we walked through downtown right next to the roadway where there were noisy vehicles roaring by.

Next we stopped at the local coffee shop/nursery and wandered around inside and outside.   Had some kids walk by and posed in various locations.

The part she did not like was walking over this grate.  It had fairly large openings but not enough for her feet to fall through.  She was a little hesitant at first but then just gingerly walked over it when encouraged.

We ended the session with a great "under" under a bench while waiting to order to go lunch and then a quick swing through the grocery store.   It was a great session and she was a rock star!

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