Thursday, November 26, 2020

Pandemic Project - Grow a Forest of our Own!

With a lot of time on our hands, we look for good projects for around the cabin.  This one included getting three new trees!  With these three, we now have 5 trees that show the colors in the fall.  The tree above is just off the deck near the front door and is called a "Pyrus c. Bradford".  It has a display of  early spring  white blossoms.  The leaves turn red, orange and maroon in the fall.  And you can see from the pic, it has not lost its leaves yet.
The tree above is a "Northern Red Oak" and is a fast growing tree, growing up to 75 feet tall and 50 feet wide.  It is off the corner of the back deck and you can see that it still has leaves late in the season.

The tree above is a "Burgundy Belle" (Red Maple) and it will grow 45 feet tall and 40 feet wide.  No leaves on this guy.  They appear to lose them early in the fall.  This one is off the middle of the back deck.

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