Monday, February 04, 2019

Pirate Weener

On Super Bowl Sunday, I woke up early and was going to spend some quiet time reading my book and having a cup of tea before I started working to get ready for our Super Bowl Party.  I was sitting on the couch icing my arm (I have tendinitis) and Ahi jumped up and looked at me.  I was shocked!  Her left eye was almost swollen shut!

I immediately freaked out decided I would take her to the emergency vet and spend up to $20k to make her better!  But then I calmed down and started gathering data.

We had beed hiking the day before and she was off leash running through brush and grass so I figured he had a cut on her cornea or something in her eye.  But she wasn't rubbing it at all.  I fretted for a while and did some research on swollen eyes in dogs.  

After awhile, I decided I didn't want to fret alone so I texted everyone else in the house.

Grace got up and came down to help.  She instantly saw a tiny tick on the top of her head and we pulled it out.  That made me think it was an allergic reaction so I started her on Bendryl.  It got worse before it got better but a day later is almost completely better.

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