Thursday, February 07, 2019

Cabin Snow

7 inches on our deck

We did a Monday mid day trip to the cabin to get in on a low elevation storm.  It was worth it because we got about 7 inches of snow!  We also we without power for 18 hours.  While many people in the community were complaining, we were fine and I even managed to work by charging my phone and computer in the truck and using a hot spot for internet access.

This is a tree down at Anna and Roy's cabin

There were trees and wires down all over the place.  And we saw multiple cars abandoned, cars off the road into trees and crushed by trees!

This a tree that fell over power lines near our cabin

The was PG&E taking down the tree into the evening
Our driveway

Our little cabin in the woods

Driving along and ran into this downed power line

Anna and Roy's cabin with a tree across the driveway 

The Marina

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