Sunday, April 02, 2017

Weener Update

It has been two weeks since Ahi was released from the hospital and she is MUCH better!

We had her liver enzymes checked on Monday (one week out of the hospital) and the results made me realize how sick she was.  The ALT enzyme test shows the enzyme created when a certain cell in the liver bursts and releases the enzyme into the blood stream, which is an indication of liver failure. 

Here are her numbers:

High Normal:  118
Ahi's count on Monday:  467
Ahi's count in the hospital:  greater than 2000

The diagnostic equipment used only goes to 2000 so they don't know how much higher it was!  These numbers show how sick she was.

Because the results were still so high, she is going to stay on one of the three antibiotics she is currently taking for 2 more weeks and then add another one for one month.  Then we will have another liver function test taken and see where we stand.  She could need meds for longer or she could be ok.

The good news is she seems to feel better than she was even before she was sick, which makes me think that this was lingering for awhile.

Stay tuned for updates on the million dollar weener!

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