Saturday, April 08, 2017

Classic Boondoggle Part 1

Cal Fire

This morning we set out on a day of boondoggling.  We packed snacks and a lunch, loaded up the dogs, snow clothes, blankets and off we went!  We started the day going to the Trout Festival at the Fish Hatchery.  We have been to one before and it is a family favorite - good, clean fun!

It was a beautiful day and there were lots of people (for the mountains) enjoying learning more about trout.

Fish Hatchery's are one of my favorite places.  It is a must see if you have never been.  Inside they have a big fish nursery growing rainbow, brook, brown and golden trout.  You can see babies in the pic above.  The pic below is a glass bowl full of eggs.  When they hatch, the egg flows out the top of the bowl and the fish swims in the bowl until it gets stronger.  Once it is strong enough, it swims over the waterfall.

Little kids made these cute fish paintings, while big kids (i.e. Grace and Jim) did some fly fishing.

Next up on our boondoggle....a trip out to Cherry.

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