Sunday, January 04, 2015

Quicksilver Hike

Grace and I went for a hike at Quicksilver today with Mari, William, Tina and Marty.  It was an entrance I had never hiked before so everything was new!  I was pretty excited about it since on my list of things to do over the holidays was "take a hike in a new place"!

I was also super excited to get to carry William on my back part of the way!  He complained a little because it was not his mother carrying him but Grace would distract him so he wouldn't get too wound up.

We did not expect such a long hike and had not had lunch or had any snacks.  So after the hike we went back to Tina and Marty's and SCARFED a bunch of appetizers.

"Wait a are not my mama!"

After the hike we had appetizers at Tina and Marty's house.

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