Sunday, April 05, 2009

A trip to the ER

On Saturday nite, we took a little trip to the ER because Gracie was having trouble breathing. She started having trouble while playing ice hockey so we pulled her off the ice. An mom of one of her team mates is an EMT and she checked her out. She thought that her cold/cough, the high pollen count and the physical activity might be effecting her lungs. She seemed to be ok and we headed home. But on the way home she started having a hard time breathing again so we went to the ER. They triaged her and her oxygen saturation was fine so we waited....

When we were finally seen, she was better. But just to be sure we got an inhaler. She used it a couple times today when she felt short of breath. She had a little trouble at her soccer game, so she stopped playing. Then nothing else the rest of the day.

Hope this turns out not to be anything.

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