Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dog Sandwich

This morning, Jim left at 5 am to go get the boat. When he got up, I asked him to let Ahi out and put her in bed with me so that I could sleep late.....HA! Nice try!

He brings her into bed with me and she does her crazy roll around routine and then climbs under the covers and snuggles right up against my stomach. She then proceed to breath on me - big breaths! Then she started hiccuping! Big breath followed by big hiccup!

Then Daisy Mae gets in on the action by laying right behind me...making me the filling of a dog bread sandwich. She puts her head on my shoulder and breathes right in my ear.

So much for sleeping in! I could only take about 10 minutes of it and then decided to get up and take them for a walk in 27 degree weather!

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