Friday, August 22, 2008

Shop til you Drop

Every summer right before school, Auntie D and Gracie have a tradition of doing a big school shopping trip. They do this to spend some girlie time together and because I hate to if Auntie D wants her niece to look good, she has to be hands on! This is the report from this years event:

First was lunch at Ivar's Fish and Chips. We sat outside, just like we did when we had sushi last year. :o)

Then we found some adorable Pumas at Nordy's. Also a new Roxy hoodie, a couple of tops and some shorts.

Then we hit Pumpkin Patch and found some long pants, shorts, and another top. She did a really good job of mixing and matching so just about everything can be worn with the other.

She didn't want to look for a winter coat - I think she was pooped!

But we did muster the energy to pick up some ice cream at Cold Stone to eat on the way home.

And we remembered Drew ... apparently he's been driving her crazy about a specific kind of hat he wants so Gracie picked that out at Quicksilver, together with a matching wallet.

What a fun time. We chatted and chatted. She is growing so quickly though that this was probably our last year shopping at Pumpkin Patch and the kid's shoe department at Nordy's!

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