Friday, May 16, 2008

New Mantra

Jim and I went to a lecture this week about raising the whole child when there is a learning disability. It focused on what parents can do to manage the situation, how to build the childs confidence, etc. It was really a great session and I found one nugget that I thought I would share:

"Only compare yourself to yourself."

This means when you complain about something about yourself comparing it to others, such as "I am not as good as Betsy in spelling" are taking the wrong approach! You should be comparing yourself ONLY to yourself and the statement should be, "I am making progress in spelling compared to last school year".

I felt this was a lesson for all of us. Who couldn't benefit from ceasing all comparison to skinnier people, smarter people, richer people, etc. Next time I say...."my butt is bigger than so and so's", I am going to stop and re-phrase it as, "my butt is smaller than it was last month". Of course that will be a lie.....but that is a whole other issue!

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