Monday, April 21, 2008

A heart story....

Last week we were going to the art supply store to get supplies for Drew to do a project on the Nile River. On the way there, Gracie asked if she could get some stuff. I thought about it for a second and said "no" we have plenty of art supplies at home. She protested and said she really wanted to make a model of a heart using a styrofoam ball cut in half! I changed my mind in a split second and said "ok". But we discussed it a little more and talked about how she would need to do research to make sure it was correct and she responded that "yes" that is what she had planned to do.

Here is a pic of the final project and the paper she wrote to go with it.

The Heart
by Gracie

The heart is an organ in your body. It pumps blood in your body so you can live. Your heart has a beat. Before it beats, your heart fills with blood. Your heart does this all the time unless you are dead.

Your heart is made of four different blood filled areas, each of these areas are called chambers. There are two chambers on each side of the heart.

Here are some facts to keep or make your heart better:

* Don’t smoke
* Don’t drink a lot of alcohol
* Exercise
* Eat healthy foods

This was NOT for a school assignment - this is just a project she thought up on her own.

To get the full effect of this story, you need to have this very important piece of data: Gracie was just diagnosed with dyslexia. What this tells me is that underneath that difficulty with reading and spelling is a little girl who is bright and creative beyond what we can understand. She sees the world a whole different way then the rest of us. And as I learn more about dyslexia, I wish I could get a view into how she sees it, because it is fascinating!

Stay tuned to my blog as I will be educating you all on dyslexia so that we can raise the awareness of this learning difference.

1 comment:

The Mom said...

That is so adorable. What an awesome little girl!