Thursday, February 15, 2007

Uninspired and self-absorbed

I have been catching some flak from my friends because of my less then prolific blogging lately. And I have to tell you that there are two reasons: I have not been inspired and I have been sort of self absorbed.

First of all, my life has been a bit dull so I have had no inpiration to blog the boring details of day to day life.

Secondly, I have been a bit obsessed about my new running shoes. For those of you who know me well, know that I get a bit weird about getting new running shoes. I love getting new running shoes and it is a big event in my life. There are three reasons for this: (1) I love the fact that I have run enough to wear out a pair of shoes and (2) I know my shoes are worn out once I start getting aches and pains and when I get new shoes those aches and pains go away and (3) I am a girl and girls like to buy new things!

So in early January I am all fired up and make the trip to buy a new pair of shoes. I purchase asics like I always do. The next day I get up and go for a run.....only to find that the shoes hurt my feet. Actually to be more accurate, these shoes killed the top of my right toe. This is not normal because usually I put on my new shoes, run and they are great! So I tried for 3 weeks to "wear them in". By the end of the 3 weeks my toe was killing me and hurt in every shoe I wore. So I talked to the folks at asics and sweet talked the manager of Sport Authority into taking back a pair of used shoes with no receipt. I have had the shoes new for almost 3 weeks but I have NOT been wearing them. I want my foot to heal all the way before I try them. If the pain comes back when I try them, they are gettting tossed and I will go try a new model.

So you see...I have been spending my free time fretting about my shoes and not blogging. Strange...I know....

But not to worry....the old shoes are not hurting my foot, so I am getting back to the blogging....

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