Saturday, July 15, 2006

The morning routine

We have had Chad the beagle, as a house guest, for 2 weeks and today in our last day with him. So, in honor of his departure, I decided to take he and Daisy for an extra long walk this morning. So off we went....

It did not start off very well when Chad got hold of a piece of chicken that had come out of some garbage that a racoon had rummaged thru. He is obsessively food centered, so he was on that chicken like white on rice! He was gobbling faster than I could run the 3 feet that was between us. By the time I got to his mouth he had about half a chicken swallowed. But....I am an expert beagle watcher so I just opened his mouth and went down his throat! I pulled out a bunch of chicken meat and a full leg bone!!!! ICK!!!! I am sure that whole chicken bone would have caused vomiting! Then I had to go on the rest of the walk with nasty chicken and beagle spit hands!

So off we go...

Like I said, we went on an extra long walk so I took them where we don't normally go. At one point, I was booking along and I realized that no one was following me. I look back and both of them are standing on the sidewalk - side by side - Daisy is holding her front paw up and Chad is holding his back paw up. They had both walked thru a sticker bush and had stickers in their paws! I walked back to them and played hero by removing them and off we went.

We sure will miss that crazy, food obsessive, lazy-butt, medical trainwreck of a beagle!

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