Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A bear in the woods....you've been punked!

Hwaaaaaaa.... (that is my evil laugh)!

We pulled the BEST prank on the kids at the cabin.

The kids spent half the day making a fort in the woods. Their building escapades went into the evening. As it got dark, all the adults were on the deck playing cards while the kids were playing in their fort. I am not sure who came up with the idea but we decided it would be great fun if one of us pretended to be a bear and scared the kids.

OK - full disclosure - there were at least some of us who had been drinking beer all day and would have thought buying a bridge in Arizona was a good idea!

So as soon as we came up with the hair brained scheme, Doug volunteered to be the bear and ran inside to get his brown hooded sweatshirt to play the part! And off he went -- slinking into the woods.

Once we knew he was safely in the woods the rest of the adults went down to view the masterpiece fort. While we were getting a tour, Doug had climbed a tree and was rustling the branches. Every so often one of the kids would hear the rustle and start freaking out. We would assure them that it was nothing and ask more questions about the fort. A little more time and a little more rustling of tree branches just heightened the anxiety of the kids.

Finally Doug makes the move and goes running by on all fours with his hood over his head making growling noises. The part that really freaked the kids out is when "calm, cool" Jim screamed "Holy Crap" and started running! The kids went running and screaming like crazy. All the kids got away except for Tyler whose long 13 year old legs didn't seem to work in unison which caused him to slip, do a flip in the air and land in a pile in the ground. "Holy Crap" Jim had to stop and pick him up off the ground. Gracie literally climbed up Jim's body to safety. The rest of the kids made a dash for the cabin.

Once Doug came out of the woods - the kids were good sports about it and we had a good long laugh! Of course, we might have psychologically scarred them for life

All in all - Great fun!!!!!

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