Saturday, March 04, 2006

Worm Farm Pic

As promised here is a picture of my worm farm. I took a picture of the outside because I love that it is called a "magic worm farm"! Like there would be any other type of worm farm...maybe "only a dork would have a worm farm worm farm" or "you really are just trailer trash worm farm". Plus if I take a pic inside it just looks like dirt. Also I like the fact that Jim thinks it is a table for all his tools. What must the worms think? The bonus about this worm farm is that if I were a Kentucky Hillbilly, I would also use it to hold my beers because it is just the size of a six pack cooler. (That's a shout out to cousin Jess, my favorite Kentucky relative, the founder of the worm farm :-), and mom to 3 chickens herself!)

Long live the worms....or at least until they get eaten by Betty, Rowdy and Maverick!

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