Monday, March 06, 2006

Lucky Hairy Feathers

This past weekend was spent catching up on things around the house: paying bills, getting groceries, getting Drew new shoes, cleaning the kids closets and drawers, cleaning the chicken coop, preparing for taxes, etc. I was finally done with the "to do" list yesterday at about 4 which time the kids ran into the house screaming "animal rescue, animal rescue, mommy we need you"!

They had found a baby dove in the middle of the street. It can barely fly - gets about an inch off the ground for a few inches and can't stand up. Being the big sucker I am, we picked it up and are fostering it. I had Jim out in the street searching the nearby trees for a nest - with no luck. So I rushed out and got baby food and an eyedropper and started feeding "Lucky Hairy Feathers", named after "Lucky Hairy Legs" the tarantula that we saved walking across the road a few years ago.

We have fostered birds before but not a dove and it acts different than others I have taken care of. Luckily, a friend at work has talked to her friends that have doves and has given me some good direction. I am going home tonite to make a dove slurpy - chicken food, seeds and grains! I may even throw in some worms from my worm farm --- see those worms come in handy when you least expect it!

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