Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Tale of Three Pairs of Shoes

This is a weird one....get ready.

On Saturday morning at 6 am, Jim went out to hunt....hunt for toilet paper which has been so elusive during Covid19.  When leaving the house, he stopped on the porch to notice a box of 3 pairs of black men's dress shoes.  We looked at them using a wipe to hold them because we had no idea where they came from.   We did not recognize them, nor were we expecting them.  There was a lot of head scratching wondering what the story was but in the end we decided to leave them there in case someone realized they left them at the wrong house.

On Sunday evening when the shoes were still there, we decided to check the video camera to determine if we could see who left them there.  See the video still above.  At 2:20 am this dude came to the door with what looked like a key.  He seemed perplexed by the key pad although he appeared to try it a couple times.  After a number of minutes, he decided to just leave the shoes and put them in a box that was already there.  He walked away, came back a few minutes later and looked again and then left for good.

We didn't get a video of any car he might have come in because he did not park at the end of the driveway.

The mystery remains....and the shoes remain on the porch....

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