Sunday, July 14, 2019

Move Day

The first load to the new home!

The last three weeks have been a whirlwind of activity!  Jim's folks had decided at the beginning of the year that they are ready to move into a retirement community where they would have meals and cleaning provided and assistance if they should need it - basically an easier lifestyle.  Three weeks ago, we learned an apartment was coming available!

Unloading into the kitchen at the new place!

It is a nice corner unit with a "L" shaped balcony.  So they took it and we started packing and cleaning!  They had to move from a 4 bedroom home where they lived for 45 years to a 2 bedroom apartment.

Caravan of truck moving

Mr Screwtop doubles as a moving man!

Luckily we had lots of manpower and trucks to help!  The men from TNDC helped move while Tina and I helped unpack.

This was Roy's grandmothers

When they started to clean out the house, there were things that Anna wanted to make sure stayed in the family, so we packed it up and brought it home.

This is Anna's Danish dishes bought it Denmark in 1959

Aunt Nancy weaved this for Roy's parents - for sure a keeper!

Aunt Nancy made this for Anna and Roy - we have to keep it!

Roy had a lot of stuff he didn't want to get rid of so Jim built this giant shed to house all that stuff.

An inside peek at the shed

Testing out new beds

Before they moved in, they needed a new bed and a new recliner for Anna.  Anna and I went out on a Saturday and bought both.  It was great fun to try out the beds and the recliners that move to put you into a standing position.  The bed has arrived at the new place but we are still waiting for the recliner.

Shopping for a new recliner

The new bed!

Pizza break

It was a long day of moving but everyone was happy at what got done and at how cozy the new place is.

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