Sunday, July 07, 2019

Cherry Lake

Last week we went to Cherry for a 4 day get away.  It was just Jim and I the first two days and then Drew came for a couple days.  The weather was much milder than normal, which was a nice change because we didn't feel so "sunned out" at the end.

The lake was completely full which was nice to see as its been a number of years.  The magic fishing hole was fair but we did manage to catch about 4 trout in the hole and another 4 out on the lake.  And by "we" I mean Jim because I didn't catch a thing.

 Magic Fishing Hole

There were lots of merganser mamas and their babies.

A little afternoon nap

We spent a lot of time on the lounge chairs looking at this view.

We camped a new spot - we call it the "pump house" spot as it is pretty close to the pump house for the lake.  It was nice and private but I kept worrying about trees falling on us.  And then a limb fell off of one right close to us!

Fried rice and teriyaki chicken

Drew brought his boat 

Noodle roni - a Cherry tradition

Drew and Oak - morning fishing

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