Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Friends and Co-workers

I am making a big change leaving Yahoo after almost 12 years and going to a new company.  I was so fortunate to work with the same group of people for most of that time.  Today, we all had lunch to celebrate my last week and two of the folks who already left came to join us.

These people started out as coworkers and ended as good friends.  They are people who I have grown to tremendously respect, have been my mentors and have shared my joys and sorrows.

The gals put together a basket of "Our Favorite Things" and it was so unbelievably thoughtful.   They each picked out gifts that were favorites of our time together.  They included: tea and a tea cup because I am know for drinking a lot of tea; a picture frame with my new mantra:  "Be a river not a rock"; scarfs because Kari taught me how to tie them; a Yahoo journal, pens with positive messages; and a Chinese cookbook and sesame oil because Lisa taught me how to make fried rice.  I am so touched and feel so fortunate.

I hope that my new coworkers are half as wonderful as this group of friends!

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