Sunday, June 24, 2012

Toasted Marshmallow Milkshake

We get the Food Network Magazine, which always comes with a book of 50 recipes covering a specific topic.  This month, the recipe booklet is 50 milkshakes!  Tonite, Grace and I made the toasted marshmallow milkshake and it was AMAZING!

Here is the recipe:

1 pint of vanilla ice cream
1/4 cup of milk ( i needed more)
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 pinch of salt
6 marshmallows toasted under the broiler until brown on all sides
2 marshmallows toasted for the top of the milkshake

Mix first 5 ingredients in the blender.  Pour into 2 glasses and top with a toasted marshmallow.

It's really sweet, so you don't need much, a small glass hits the spot!  We doubled the recipe for the four of us and it was perfect.

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