Monday, April 09, 2012

Changes at Work

Last week was a rough week. We had lay offs at work and a coworker that I have worked very closely with for 12 years was affected. We have worked as a high performing team and developed some super cool stuff.

I was surprised that it affected me so much as it did as I am pretty level headed and logical in my approach to things. But we have spent a lot of time together over the last 12 years, which included:

* The birth of her second child who is now 9
* The death of loved ones
* The death of beloved pets
* Serious illnesses
* Accomplishments of our kids
* Movement from one company to another

As Jim so wisely put it, "you guys put a lot of miles in together."

I wish could say something really wise about the situation but right now I am still too upset at the change to think there is anything good about it.

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