Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grandpa Roy

Jim's Dad, Grandpa Roy, had a heart attack yesterday.

It went down like this:

He was working with Jim in the morning when he said he didn't feel good and was going home. He got in his truck and drove away - Jim didn't think anything because he had been sick with a sinus infection.

Apparently he went home and was feeling short of breath and had mild chest pain. So he drove himself to the hospital, parked way out in the parking lot and walked into the ER. They saw him coming because he looked so sick and took really quick action.

They immediately suspected a heart attack. They stabilized him and sent him to another hospital for an angiogram. During the angiogram, they found 3 affected arteries:

1 was 100% closed - it looked like it had been closed for a while
1 was 95% closed with a blood clot
1 was moderately occluded

So they went in and put stents in all of them. The procedure went well and they expect he will come home from the hospital today.

Overall.....we are darn lucky!

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