Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Doggie Hockey or Big Time Wrestling?

This is how it went down....

Pepper, my parent's dog, is here with us at the cabin.

He is not very good with doggie social clues. He growls and barks, incessantly, at my dogs.

Daisy Mae is the best dog ever....she won't make eye contact and will get up and leave the room if Pepper is there. She knows she is not suppose to attack her cousin, so she does not engage.

Ahi tried a couple times to play with Pepper, but Pepper didn't get that it was playing and would get aggressive. So she stopped and did the Daisy strategy of "ignore".

The other afternoon, she was laying on the couch minding her own business and Pepper kept going up to her and growling and barking. She kept looking at him and looking at him... (I am sure she was thinking..."shut up you idiot!")

And then finally, she had enough! And in true hockey spirit, she threw off her gloves and said "ok, you wanna go?!?!" And then she leaped off the couch and attacked him!

He ran screaming like a girl!!! She chased him down and stood over him puffing out her chest and standing tall, as if to say, "don't mess with me or my sister, you white fluff ball!"

I think I heard Daisy giggling from the bedroom! She was glad her sister had the role of Jody Shelly, ENFORCER!

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