Thursday, April 15, 2010

4th Grade Letter

At the beginning of the school year, Gracie's teacher asked that parents write a letter to their child without using their name. During the school year, the teacher pulls a letter and reads it out loud and the kids guess whose it is.

Here is the letter we wrote for Gracie - her teacher read hers this week.

Dear 4th Grader,

We can’t believe that about 10 years ago you were born into our family! We were so excited to bring you home to your family, which included your big brother and your dog. We couldn’t wait to share our lives with you and watch you grow. We wondered what type of person you would become.

The person that you have grown into is better than we could have imagined! There is so much we love about you:

We love spending our family time together on the boat, at the cabin, fishing, hiking, backpacking and inner tubing.

We have loved taking you on trips to Chicago, San Diego, Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Michigan and Washington DC.

We love to watch you play all your sports, including soccer, hockey and swimming.

We love to see you be kind to all people.

We love to see you find joy in nature.

We love to watch you interact with animals and show your love for all our pets.

We love when you act all goofy which makes us call you “squirrel”!

You are a wonderfully unique person! Your spark, feistiness and kindness are what we love so much about you. You are unstoppable when you put your mind to something – that is why you have earned the family nickname: Bones and Dynamite.

We hope you enjoy 4th grade!

Mom and Dad

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